
 Leucorrhoea care Cap

Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹332.00.

Helps in Leucorrhoea, Back Ache, Girdle pain, genito urinary tract infection, obesity


Potential benefits of this product

1. Treatment of Leucorrhoea:
o This capsule can mainly help in the treatment of leucorrhoea, also known as white leucorrhoea.
o The astringent properties of Lodhra and Nagkesar can be helpful in reducing vaginal discharge.

2. Female Reproductive Health:
o Ashoka bark and Shatavar can help improve the reproductive health of women.
o These herbs can also be helpful in reducing menstrual problems.
3. Prevention of vaginal infections:
o The antiseptic properties of Nagkesar and Lodhra can help prevent vaginal infections.


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